Ivette Perfecto


Cómo el café de sombra ayuda a la conservación

Read in English Cuando se gestionan de la manera correcta, las fincas que cultivan nuestra bebida matutina pueden ser un refugio para la biodiversidad vegetal y animal. Entrevista con la...
agroecosistemabiodiversidadEspañolfertilizantesherbicidas sintéticosIvette PerfectomonocultivosUniversity of Michiganコーヒー

How Shade Coffee Lends Conservation a Hand

When managed in the right way, the farms that provide our morning brew can be a refuge for plant and animal biodiversity Q&A — Ecologist Ivette Perfecto Up in the...
agroforestryantsbatsbiodiversitybirdsCBBCentral AmericaChiapascoffee borer beetleColumnscrop diversificationdiseasesenvironmental sustainabilityFarmer IssuesinsectsIvette PerfectoKimberly Williams-GuillénKnowable Magazineland managementland useMexicomonocultureorganicOriginpestsRussell Greenbergshadeshade grownSmithsonian Migratory Bird CenterSouth AmericaSustainabilityUniversity of Michiganコーヒー

How Coffee is Both an Environmental Hero and Villain, Part 2

The first piece in this mini series provided an overview of different methods of commercial coffee production and how they may affect the environment and climate change, defining two ends...
agroforestrybiodiversityclimate changeColumnsCory GilmanDeconstructing Sustainability in Coffeeenvironmental sustainabilityFarmer IssuesIvette Perfectoland managementmonocropOriginSustainabilityコーヒー