World Coffee Research @wcoffeeresearch has made this excellent map available for free on their website. You can see the ancestry of commercial Arabica and Robusta varieties—for example, you can trace the lineage of Catimor-types back to their Caturra ancestors on one side and their Timor-Robusta ancestors on the other. Very, very cool visualization. #ilovecoffee #coffeeroaster #coffeenerd #coffeevarieties #arabica #robusta


World Coffee Research @wcoffeeresearch has made this excellent map available for free on their website.

You can see the ancestry of commercial Arabica and Robusta varieties—for example, you can trace the lineage of Catimor-types back to their Caturra ancestors on one side and their Timor-Robusta ancestors on the other.

Very, very cool visualization.

#ilovecoffee #coffeeroaster #coffeenerd #coffeevarieties #arabica #robusta
