
Business Operations

An Opera Production About Coffee is Taking Over an NYC Coffee Shop

A New York city opera company that creates immersive site-specific opera experiences is lending its formidable artistic and lung and capacities to coffee. From Feb. 14-24, the group On Site...
Business OperationsCoffee CantataGeoffrey McDonaldJohann Sebastian BachMarketingmusicNew YorkNew York CityNortheastOn Site OperaoperaRetailSarah MeyersSchweigt stille plaudert nichtSohoコーヒー

Study: Music and Coffee Can Make Brains Work Better

New research suggests that drinking coffee and listening to music are two everyday activities that can improve cognitive performance, specifically in tasks requiring concentration and memory. A research team at...
caffeineIndustryMindwatchmusicNew York UniversityNYU Tandon School of EngineeringresearchRose Faghihsciencewearable technologyコーヒー