Global Environment Facility


Nespresso Plans $20 Million Spend on DRC Coffees and Sector Development

Nestlé-owned coffee giant Nespresso today announced plans to spend US$20 million on coffee purchases and technical assistance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as an “ambition” to...
AfricaClarmondialCorporatecorporate sustainabilityDemocratic Republic of CongoEastern Congo InitiativeFarmer IssuesGeorge ClooneyGlobal Environment FacilityGorilla Coffee AllianceIndustryInternationalInternational Union for Conservation of NatureKivuMarket NewsMarketingNespressoNespresso Reviving OriginsNestleOriginSustainabilityTechnoServeUSAIDVirunga Coffee Companyコーヒー

Ethiopia Launches $20.8 Million Coffee Land Use Program (FOLUR)

In partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Government of Ethiopia has officially embarked on a long-term program to combat deforestation and integrate sustainability in the coffee sector....
Africaclimate changeclimate resiliencydeforestationenvironmental sustainabilityEthiopiaFarmer IssuesFitsum AssefaGlobal Environment Facilitygreen coffeeInternationalland managementMarket Newsmulti-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs)NGOsOriginOromiaSidamaSustainabilityUNDPUnited NationsUnited Nations Development Programコーヒー