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Natural bamboo powder and coffee ground as low-cost green adsorbents for the removal of rhodamine B and their recycling performance

Scientific Reports, Published online: 06 December 2023; doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48354-4Natural bamboo powder and coffee ground as low-cost green adsorbents for the removal of rhodamine B and their recycling performance
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Panera Bread is facing a 2nd wrongful death lawsuit after a man had a cardiac arrest following drinking its caffeinated ‘charged’ lemonade

Justin Sullivan/Getty ImagesA man died in October after drinking three cups of Panera Bread's Charged Lemonade, according to a lawsuit.The drink has a high caffeine content and his family alleged this wasn't clearly labeled.Last year, a 21-year-old stu...
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Green rules could lead to coffee shortage in EU

The European Union is facing the prospect of a coffee shortage in 2025 as the market grapples with a lack of clarity in new deforestation regulations, according to the International Coffee Organization.
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Lavazza Acquires Scottish Vending Operator

Lavazza Professional has acquired SV24-7 Vending (Stirlingshire Vending) Ltd, a vending operator based in Alloa, Scotland. SV24-7 has over 60 years of experience in the industry, providing vending and office coffee services, including Micro Markets. La...
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Nestlé survey shows 1 in 4 UK consumers don’t know where their coffee comes from

One in four UK coffee drinkers have âno ideaâ where their coffee comes from; while one in 20 even believe it is farmed in the UK, according to a survey from NestlÃ.
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There’s a better way to grind coffee, according to science – The Washington Post

“This is what nobody could anticipate,” said Samo Smrke, an analytical chemist at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland who was ...
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Grinding coffee with a splash of water reduces static electricity and makes more consistent and intense espresso

The fracturing and friction of coffee beans during grinding generates electricity that causes coffee particles to clump together and stick to the grinder. Researchers report that coffee beans with higher internal moisture produce less static electricit...
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「スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン」が農家や酪農家と協力してリサイクルの取り組みを進めているのをご存じだろうか。毎日大量に廃棄されるコーヒーの豆かすを堆肥化および飼料化し、提携農家に販売。コーヒー豆かす堆肥(たいひ)や飼料を使って生産された野菜や牛乳を買い戻して、フードやビバレッジ(ドリンク)に活用している。このリサイクルループに関わっているエシカルソーシング・サステナビリティチームの普川玲(ふかわ・れい)さんに話を聞いた。...
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〔トラム〕コーヒー紅茶カクテルが世界大会入賞 – NNA ASIA・香港・社会

11月28日~12月2日にイタリア・ローマで開催されたカクテルの世界大会「ワールド・カクテル・チャンピオンシップ2023(WCC)」で、香港代表の高爾澳(レ ...
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KiriとBAGEL&BAGELコラボで常設カフェ/ベル ジャポン

菅又亮輔シェフ監修の特製スイーツを店内で。Instagramキャンペーンも実施中! 国内でのクリームチーズNo.1ブランド「Kiri」がベーグル専門店「BAGEL & BAGEL」とコラボし、国内初となるKiriの常設店「BAGEL & BAGEL × Kiri Café」が、東京・恵比寿(東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-2-7 恵比寿UKビル1階)に12月2日にオープン。 「Kiriクリームチーズ」をイメージした白基調の店内では、「BAGEL & BAGEL」特有のもっちりとしたベーグルとKiriを使...
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