Varun Dhawan, known for his intense fitness regimen and disciplined lifestyle, recently shared a dietary change that has intrigued many. In a podcast with Ranveer Allahabadia, the Bhediya actor revealed that he no longer drinks black coffee first thing in the morning. Instead, he has switched to blonde roast coffee, citing its gentler effects on the gut.
This revelation has sparked curiosity in many since most people consume black coffee first in the morning. Let's understand the benefits of blonde roast coffee and why black coffee might not be the best choice for your morning routine.
What Is Blonde Roast Coffee?
Blonde roast coffee refers to a type of coffee that is roasted for a shorter time compared to medium or dark roasts. This results in beans that are lighter in color, and milder in flavor. Despite its lighter taste, blonde roast contains slightly more caffeine than darker roasts due to the reduced roasting time, which preserves the caffeine content in the beans.
Blonde roast coffee, due to its lighter roast profile, tends to be easier on the digestive system. Its milder acidity and smoother flavor reduce the likelihood of stomach irritation. Additionally, while it still provides a caffeine boost, its effect on cortisol levels is less compared to black coffee, making it a better option to kickstart your day without overwhelming your system.
Pre workout ☕
— SpiiicyChips (@spiiicychips) July 4, 2024
Simple blonde roast coffee 14-18mg
115-120ml water
Woke Up#AlphaZ #アルファズ筋トレ部 #AFC_XG
Know why it is not a good option to kickstart your day with black coffee?
Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach can cause several issues for some people. The acidity of black coffee can irritate the stomach lining, leading to discomfort or even acid reflux. Additionally, the caffeine content can spike cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone, which might contribute to feelings of anxiety or restlessness. Starting the day with a more stomach-friendly option, like blonde roast coffee, can help mitigate these effects.
How to add blonde roast to your diet?
If you’re considering making the switch, here are some tips to incorporate blonde roast coffee into your routine:
Choose High-Quality Beans: Opt for freshly roasted, high-quality blonde roast coffee beans to enjoy its full flavor and benefits.
National Coffee Day 2024: 7 Types Of Coffee Beans You Might Not Know AboutBrew Lightly: Avoid over-brewing, as this can enhance the acidity. Use a French press or pour-over method for the best results.
Pair It with Food: To further reduce the risk of stomach irritation, enjoy your coffee alongside a light breakfast, such as whole-grain toast or a fruit bowl.
What Is The Best Time To Drink Coffee?Monitor Your Caffeine Intake: While blonde roast has a milder flavor, its higher caffeine content means you should be mindful of how much you consume throughout the day.
By choosing a coffee option that is gentler on the gut, you can start your mornings on a positive note without compromising on energy or focus. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a healthier caffeine fix, blonde roast coffee might be worth exploring.