Inside Retail identifies 10 emerging Asian retailers to keep an eye on


Inside Retail has identified 10 emerging retailers from around Asia that are expanding beyond their borders and drawing attention globally. 

A report – 10 Emerging Retail Brands in Asia – sponsored by CentricSoftware, was released at a function in Hong Kong’s Alto restaurant on Wednesday evening. 

Robert Stockdill, head of news at Inside Retail, said the team that worked on the report wanted to recognise companies who are embracing regional or international expansion strategies and stand out from their peers in terms of concept or customer engagement. 

“This is by no means an exhaustive list – there are many more than 10 retailers in this space – but we have tried to identify those that stand out for one reason or another,” said Stockdill.

“As cross-border trade restrictions ease and the spending power of middle-class consumers across much of Southeast Asia continues to rise, huge opportunities are opening up for brands that are well-managed, have a defined purpose and have an obvious point of difference. This is their chance to shine and step out globally.”

The 10 selected this year come from India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Mainland China, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea.

Executives from two of the brands cited in the report – Lena Tsang, director of The Coffee Academics and Christina Wang, regional director for Hong Kong & Taiwan at Love, Bonito – shared their experiences in a panel discussion hosted by Inside Retail’s Tiffany Lung. 

Stockdill said Inside Retail intends the report to become a regular, annual compilation.

Readers can download the report here at no cost and learn more about The Coffee Academics, Love, Bonito and the other eight retailers selected, along with four more considered ‘bubbling under’. 

In the image above, (from left) Tiffany Lung hosts a panel discussion with Lena Tsang of The Academics Group, Christina Wang, of Love, Bonito and Nick Wei, senior director, global strategic & supply chain accounts at Centric Software.

  • Inside Retail thanks the sponsors of this year’s inaugural report – CentricSoftware, Cegid and Sanucker – for enabling us to recognise these retailers.