Coffee News Recap, 10 May: Mikael Jasin is the 2024 World Barista Champion, this year’s WAC to take place on 21 Sep in Lisbon & other stories

Every Friday, Perfect Daily Grind rounds up the top coffee industry news from the previous week. 

Here are this week’s stories – the word of the week is championships.

Mon, 6 May

  • Indonesia’s Mikael Jasin wins 2024 World Barista Championship. This year’s competition was held at the first-ever World of Coffee Asia trade show in Busan, South Korea. Mikael Jasin placed first, using both an Ethiopian landrace variety from Colombia and a Panamanian Gesha, with a focus on mindfulness throughout his routine. Australia’s Jack Simpson placed second and Japan’s Takayuki Ishitani came third. Other finalists included Honoka Kawashima from New Zealand, South Korea’s Junghwan Lim, Ian Kissick from the Republic of Ireland, and the Netherland’s Zjevaun Lemar Janga – marking the first time the competition has included seven finalists.
  • Hawaii passes landmark legislation for Kona coffee labelling. Hawaii’s House Bill 2298 CD1 mandates that blends labelled as Kona must contain at least 51% of coffee grown from that region – marking a significant increase from the current 10% minimum. The updated legislation will be enforced from 1 July 2027.
  • Robusta prices hit 45-year high following drought concerns in Vietnam. The International Coffee Organisation reported a 17% surge in wholesale prices in April, which are the highest since 1979. Vietnam – the world’s largest robusta producer – is currently facing a number of challenges, including poor harvests and excessively dry weather.
  • Co-founder of The Gentlemen Baristas launches All Things Bloom. The brand has launched with ten coffees, and is supplying several Michelin-starred restaurants, delis, and bakeries in the UK. All Things Bloom has also partnered with Home Kitchen – a social enterprise that supports people who have experienced homelessness to work in the hospitality sector.

Tue, 7 May

  • Arabica futures hit one-month low. Arabica futures dipped below US $2/lb on the New York market, which the International Coffee Organisation says is attributed to a 10.4% increase in global coffee exports. ICO certified arabica stocks also rose to a one-year-high.
  • Domestic prices in Vietnam sharply decline. Vietnam’s central highlands experienced increased rainfall in early May after a dry April. Forecasts indicate below-average rainfall for the rest of May, which raises concerns about upcoming harvests.
  • Nescafé launches espresso-style concentrate in Australia. Tapping into the cold coffee market, Nescafé has released the Espresso Concentrate Coffee, which can be added to milk, water, or even juice and lemonade. The new coffee concentrate is available in Sweet Vanilla and Espresso Black.

Wed, 8 May

  • Researchers use ultrasound technology to extract cold brew in minutes. Engineers at the University of New South Wales used a repurposed Breville espresso machine and a patented sound transmission system to create “acoustic cavitation”, which helped speed up the cold brew process to just three minutes. The sonicated cold brew was analysed and found to have similar flavour attributes to samples of traditional 24-hour cold brew.
  • coffee&climate presents 2024-28 roadmap. The initiative says it will expand its focus on climate-smart coffee production, sustainable land-use systems such as agroforestry and regenerative agriculture, carbon reduction and sequestration schemes, and improving food security for smallholder coffee farming households.

Thu, 9 May

  • Franke Coffee Systems celebrates new showroom opening in St. Albans, UK. Following new showrooms in Tennessee, Shanghai, and Vienna, the new St. Albans space showcases Franke’s full range of automatic and semi-automatic machines. World Barista Championship finalist and Franke brand ambassador Wojciech Tysler attended the event, and prepared beverages using the new Mytico machine.
  • Blue Bottle workers in Boston vote to unionise. After five Blue Bottle locations in Boston announced their decision to unionise as part of the Blue Bottle Independent Union last month, workers recently held an official National Labor Relations Board election. With a majority vote of 38-4, staff at the five stores voted in favour of unionising – claiming low wages and poor working conditions as reasons for their decision.

Fri, 10 May

  • MICE 2024 to begin on 12 May. This year’s three-day trade show will feature the second Australia’s Richest Barista competition (with a total cash prize pool of AU $40,000), Australia’s Favourite Coffee Awards, the Café Owners Education Series, the GCR Leaders Symposium, and the MICE Product Innovation Awards.
The 2024 World Barista Championship finalists.

Here are a few coffee news stories from previous weeks that you might find interesting. Take a look:

Photo credits: Specialty Coffee Association, Shane Gallagher

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Want to keep up with current affairs in the coffee industry? Check out last week’s coffee news stories and make sure to read the latest Coffee Intelligence News & Opinion piece about why Starbucks is losing ground in the US and China.

The post Coffee News Recap, 10 May: Mikael Jasin is the 2024 World Barista Champion, this year’s WAC to take place on 21 Sep in Lisbon & other stories appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
