University of Copenhagen


Coffee Price Volatility Harms the Mental Health of Farmers

Coffee is a drink that punctuates many of our lives. Millions of us depend on this dark liquid to start the morning, or to break up the day. It has also become...
Asiacoffee pricesColumnseconomic sustainabilityFairtradeFarmer IssuesFinn Tarpgreen coffeeIndustryLancaster UniversityMarket Newsmental healthOriginpricesresearchRobustaSaurabh SinghalscienceSustainabilityUniversity of CopenhagenVietnamコーヒー

Study: Price Volatility Affects Mental Health of Smallholder Coffee Farmers

A recent public health study found that income uncertainty, particularly in the context of volatile coffee prices, negatively impacts the mental health of smallholder coffee farmers. After studying small-scale coffee...
Asiacoffee pricesDevelopment Economics Research Group (DERG)Farmer IssuesFinn TarpIndustryLancaster UniversityMarket Newsmental healthOriginpricespublic healthresearchSaurabh Singhalsciencesmallholder farmerssocial sustainabilitySustainabilityUniversity of Copenhagenコーヒー