Michael Sheridan

Coffee Quality Institute

Hey Cuppers, Here’s Your Chance to Inform the Future of Q Grading

The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), which runs the Q grader certification program for coffee professionals, is asking all coffee cuppers to take a short skills survey. Open until Nov. 1...
Coffee Quality InstitutecuppingEmma SageIndustryMichael SheridanOriginquality controlRoastingsurveysコーヒー
Bridget Carrington

Michael Sheridan To Lead Coffee Quality Institute as CEO

The nonprofit Coffee Quality Institute has named longtime coffee sustainability and international development expert Michael Sheridan Chief Executive Officer.  Sheridan, who most recently held the title of Director of Sourcing...
Bridget CarringtonCatholic Relief ServicesCoffee Quality InstituteFarmer IssuesIndustryIntelligentsia CoffeeInternationalMarket NewsMichael SheridannonprofitsOriginPeopleSustainabilityTina YerkesUnited Statesコーヒー