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GFRP acquires edible packaging startup DisSolves as it embarks on pilots with ‘some of the largest food producers’

Generation Food Rural Partners I, LP (GFRP), a fund created by early-stage investor Big Idea Ventures, has acquired edible packaging startup DisSolves as it gears up to run pilots with leading CPG companies. Founded by chemical engineer Jared Raszewsk...
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【悲報】台湾カフェチェーン「LOUISA COFFEE」一部メニューを値上げへ。 – note

今日から2月。 新年も早1ヶ月が経ち、何かと焦る。毎日全力疾走だ。 そして今日もいつものルイーザコーヒーで気分を上げて仕事に臨んだ。
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コーヒー焙煎 世界4位 「豆ポレポレ」仲村さん 沖縄市 「チャンピオン目指す」 – 沖縄タイムス紙面掲載記事

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ofi raises sustainability ambition for coffee business with 2030 targets to cut emissions and uplift farmers

By the end of the decade, ofi’s coffee business, a leading supplier of green coffee, plans to cut supply chain emissionsi by 30 percent, help enable 20,000 farmers to earn a living income, expand its human rights programs with the inclusion of health a...
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コーヒーの未来考える 東ティモールの生産者招き、2月に集い – 毎日新聞

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近未来的な空間で「10秒で一杯」のスペシャルティコーヒーを提供する「2050 COFFEE」が、2月5日(月)に京都市でグランドオープン!

[合同会社Kurasu] [画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/84590/14/resize/d84590-14-75e7b98bdf6924232709-7.jpg ] [画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/84590/14/resize/d84590-14-7d6b7882b1ee83bec38a-7.jpg ] 「10秒で注げる」高品質なス...
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coffee prices

The 2023 Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide Has Landed

The 2023 edition of the Specialty Coffee Transaction Guide (SCTG) guide went live today, providing actors throughout the coffee chain a data-driven tool for green coffee price discovery. The full...
coffee pricescommoditiescontractsCraft/OperationsEmory UniversityFarmer IssuesFOBgreen coffeeICE FuturesIndustryKarl WienholdMacroMarket NewsMicroOriginPeter RobertspricesresearchRoastingSocial Enterprise @ GoizuetaUnited Statesコーヒー
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Proof that you don’t need an expensive machine for perfect milk texture

This video is from a Japanese coffee channel and he uses a $1 milk frother to make incredible microfoam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCShDEPlaG8 I see a lot of people on this thread wanting to get into this hobby because they get inspired by someon...
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