
Buunni Coffee

In New York, The Roasting Room Plans to Open Doors for Small Businesses

The coffee professionals behind New York City-based brand Buunni Coffee are preparing to open The Roasting Room by Buunni, a multifaceted co-roastery and education hub in the South Bronx.  Co-Founders...
Buunni Coffeeco-roastingCraft/OperationsElias GurmuEthiopiaHunts PointHunts Point Terminal MarketManhattanMicroNew YorkNew York CityNortheastprivate labelRoastingSarina PrabasiSouth BronxThe BronxThe Coffeehouse ResistanceThe Roasting Roomtoll roastingWashington Heightsコーヒー
Amaris Gutierrez-Ray

In Queens, Multimodal is Configured to Help Roasting Businesses Thrive

Less than a year-and-a-half after a fire destroyed the former Regalia Roasting Collective in the New York City borough of Queens, the coffee co-roasting concept has been reshaped with a...
Amaris Gutierrez-Rayco-roastingCorporateCraft/OperationsfireIndustryIsland Dreams Coffee RoasterJoe CoffeeLong Island CityMarketingMicronatural disastersNew YorkNew York CityNortheastPaolo MaliksiQueensRegalia CoffeeRegalia Roasting CollectiveRoastingSouthdown CoffeeUnited StatesVin Loscalzoコーヒー