

Your Nose Smells Coffee In 3D

This article is from the coffee website Sprudge at http://sprudge.com. This is the RSS feed version. Your nose processes scent information differently from each nostril
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Tata Starbucks is among India’s Best Workplaces for Women

The company has successfully achieved its goal of having 40% women in its workforce Bengaluru: Coffeehouse chain Tata Starbucks earned a spot on the list of India’s Best Workplaces for Women compiled by Great Place to Work, a global authority on workp...
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Celsius Energy Drinks Vs. Coffee: The Ultimate Caffeine Face-Off

People needing a boost have turned to coffee for hundreds of years. But the 21st century has brought an enormous mix of energy drinks to the market, offering diverse alternatives to the familiar cup of joe.
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Tata Starbucks is among India’s Best Workplaces for Women

The company has successfully achieved its goal of having 40% women in its workforce Bengaluru: Coffeehouse chain Tata Starbucks earned a spot on the list of India’s Best Workplaces for Women compiled by Great Place to Work, a global authority on work...
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2023年12月21日, 東京会場: SCAJ初級カッピングセミナーのご案内

この度、SCAJテクニカルスタンダード委員会は2023年12月21日(木)東京会場(ワタル㈱様)にて スペシャルティコーヒーの初級者向けカッピングセミナーを下記の通り開催致します。 スペシャルティコーヒーのコンセプトおよび品質の理解、そしてカッピングスキルを習得するには 良い機会と存じますので、ご参加のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。 尚、本初級カッピングセミナー後に、『Jr.(ジュニア)スペシャルティコーヒーカッパー資格認証講座』の実施を 予定しております。この資格認証講座は、講義部分が...

Are more coffee producers starting to diversify their processing methods?

The washed process is by far one of the most popular in specialty coffee. By removing all the fruit, skin, and mucilage from the beans, coffee tastes much cleaner and brighter – two attributes of many which both coffee professionals and consumers favou...

Drugs hidden in coffee bags seized at airport

A man has been arrested after a parcel containing ketamine – potentially worth £200,000 – was intercepted by airport Border Force officers. The consignment, originally from Dusseldorf, Germany, was intended for an address in Chippendale Street, in the ...


精品咖啡的消費歷來與手工藝和工匠精神相聯繫 但隨著通貨膨脹達到數十年來的高點,越來越多的咖啡品牌開始轉向自動化降低成本 自動化是否讓品牌背離了最初的價值觀,還是一種時代的進化? 精品咖啡是一建立在手工藝和工匠精神的上的信念。 因此,大多數「歷史悠久」的精品咖啡品牌都是以與自動化相對立的價值觀為基礎,來塑造自己的形象。手工沖煮一直是第三波咖啡浪潮的標誌,因為它可以從每一杯咖啡中提取出最佳的風味。 精品咖啡也透過比大型連鎖店更注重服務來區別自...