

Throwdown Some Latte Art This Thursday At Night Swim In Charlotte

This article is from the coffee website Sprudge at http://sprudge.com. This is the RSS feed version. The NSC Latte Art Throwdown takes place Thursday, November 16th at 7:00pm in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Study: Among Finance Bros, Coffee and Alcohol Part of Sleep ‘Self-Medication’

A study involving hundreds men working in financial trading suggests an interdependency between drinking alcohol and caffeinated coffee can develop in order to self-regulate sleep.  The peer-reviewed study — which...

Campos Coffee unveils new sourcing principles – BeanScene

Buying quality specialty coffee is at the heart of what Campos Coffee does. The Sydney-based roaster imports specialty coffees from a wide range of ...
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Uniqlo Malaysia unveils its first Uniqlo Coffee outlet

Uniqlo Malaysia has revamped its flagship Fahrenheit 88 outlet with the debut of Malaysia’s first Uniqlo Coffee kiosk.  The ground-floor location, which serves grab-and-go coffee, took five months to design. Customers can go upstairs to the dini...
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【コーヒー好きに朗報!】毎年好評の「コーヒーの祭典」グランツリー武蔵小杉にて今年も開催 – 22店舗のコーヒーが大集結

スペシャルティコーヒーに特化したイベント「WE LOVE COFFEE vol.4」が、神奈川・グランツリー武蔵小杉にて11月23日〜26日の期間に開催します。
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未来への羅針盤 食が紡ぐ共生社会:キーコーヒー×WCR、品種改良推進を 未来へ分担投資

 キーコーヒーは2016年から、世界的なコーヒー研究機関のワールド・コーヒー・リサーチ(WCR)と協業を開始し、17年には気候変動に適応する品種開発へつながる栽培試験をインドネシアの直営農園で実施している。このほど、WC […] 投稿 未来への羅針盤 食が紡ぐ共生社会:キーコーヒー×WCR、品種改良推進を 未来へ分担投資 は 日本食糧新聞電子版 に最初に表示されました。...
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Coffee Recommendations From Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Bolivia, And More!

This article is from the coffee website Sprudge at http://sprudge.com. This is the RSS feed version. We’re proud to work with some of the very best coffee roasters in the world. Looking for a coffee recommendation? Seeking fresh roasted coffee? Perhaps...

Study Based on New York Financial Traders Finds How Coffee and Alcohol Team Up to Affect Sleep

A study examining the drinking habits and sleep patterns of 17 financial traders in New York suggests that alcohol’s sedative effects in the evening can compensate for daytime coffee’s stimulating effects. The researchers found that the interdependence...

Introducing Three New Bean Varieties To Enhance Food Security For Colombian Coffee-Growing Families

Three new bush bean varieties, BIO103-SGA, BIO105-SGA, and BIO109-SGA, have been released at the Cenicafé-FNC Naranjal Experimental Station in Colombia. These cultivars have high iron and zinc content, tolerance to drought, pests, and diseases, and hig...