

Spent Coffee Grounds Could Make Concrete Stronger

A recent study at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, suggests that coffee grounds could be used as an ingredient in concrete, potentially making it stronger. Researchers roasted spent coffee grounds in the absence of oxygen, resulting in biochar,...

How to reuse ground coffee

In moving away from a “take-make-waste” approach, Lauren Loudon explores the different ways ground coffee can be reused. It’s no secret that waste management is one of the biggest environmental concerns right now – in the coffee industry and bey...

Coffee News Club: Week of November 20th

Red Cup Rebellion 2: The Understaffing. Plus, which coffee pods are most sustainable and a Millennial dream collaboration. Here's the news for the week of November 20th. The post Coffee News Club: Week of November 20th appeared first on Fresh Cup Ma...

The Barista’s Touch: Balancing Tradition and Technology as the Coffee Industry Evolves: Part Two

We continue our look at the barista’s role in an automated coffee landscape. BY VASILEIA FANARIOTISENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Featured photo courtesy of Roasting Plant In part one of this article, we discussed the tension between h...
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Uganda/ILO To Implement Second Phase Of Project To End Child Labour

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), Mr. Aggrey David Kibenge has met with a delegation from the International Labour Organization’s ACCEL project, during which they discussed the upcoming second pha...
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鈴木おさむ×スタバが初コラボ 絵本作品『君だってサンタクロースかもしれない』を限定公開中! – BOOKSTANDニュース

 放送作家・鈴木おさむさんとスターバックス コーヒー ジャパン 株式会社による初のコラボレーション企画として絵本作品『君だってサンタクロースかもしれない』が、全国のスターバックス店舗と公式HPで公開されました。同作品は鈴木さんがスターバックスの「Be a Santaドネーションプログラム」に共感し誕生しました。  ホリデーシーズンの特別な寄付プログラム「Be a Santa ドネーションプログラム」は、11月1日(水)から12月25日(月)までのホリデーシーズン期間中、ビバレッジの売上の一部で...
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のちに戦後を照らす大スター・福来スズ子へと成長する少女・鈴子の人生を描く連続テレビ小説『ブギウギ』(NHK朝ドラ)。11月20日放送の第36回では、作曲家・羽鳥と妻・麻里の独特な馴れ初めが明らかになり「ナイスコーヒー」が […]...
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