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奈良県大和郡山市の「啓林堂書店」は、心赴くままに本と過ごす場所「書院」を、近鉄奈良駅前の同社奈良店2Fにて12⽉15⽇(金)にグランドオープンした。 悠久の時が流れる奈良の地で読書を テクノロジーの発達とともにモノと情報があふれ、物質的な豊かさから精神的な豊かさを大切にする価値観へと移り変わりつつある。この変化を捉え、落ち着いた環境で本を読むことを愉しむ時間を提供し、“すべてのブックライフによりそう”という理念の一端を形にしたのが「書院」だ。 かつて心静かに書を読み文をつづった場所を“書院...
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International Delight Honors Bridgerton With Ridiculously English Coffee Creamer Flavors

In honor of the Netflix hit "Bridgerton," International Delight is releasing two new non-dairy creamers (and an iced coffee) themed around the show.
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Researchers reveal lab-grown coffee recipe to create cellular agriculture-based brews

14 Dec 2023 --- As climate change batters coffee production worldwide, innovators are creating lab-grown brews formulated using bioreactors instead of beans. Food scientists are utilizing cellular agriculture techniques to bypass traditional methods an...
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Netherlands begins trial to make cannabis fully legal

Experiment aims to make production, supply and smoking legal and remove effects of gang involvementEurope live – latest updatesCannabis users in two Dutch cities can smoke legally for the first time as authorities roll out a trial that would expand the...
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‘Towards making coffee the first net-positive commodity’: Green energy coffee roasting plant developed by Sucafina and CEE

Sucafina and CEE have partnered to develop a continuous sustainable coffee roasting plant, which is powered by green energy and, according to them, has a significantly higher energy efficiency rate than the industry standard.
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「お茶の国」中国、コーヒーチェーン店舗数で世界最多に 米国を抜く

上海にあるスターバックスの店舗でカップにコーヒーを注ぐバリスタ/Luckin Coffee outlet/Getty Images(CNN)世界のコーヒー産業に関する情報プラットフォーム「ワールド・コーヒー・ポータル」によると、中国は米国を抜き、店舗数ベースで世界最大のコーヒーチェーン市場となった。今週発表された調査結果によると、中国のコーヒーチェーン店は過去12カ月で58%増の4万9691店に達した。米スターバックスはこの間に785店を開設し、現在は店舗数で第2位のコーヒーチェ 全文...
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「中国一のコーヒー村」、デジタル化で革新。ファーウェイ、雲南省の農村では5G駆使した観光振興 https://36kr.jp/266163/

「中国一のコーヒー村」、デジタル化で革新。ファーウェイ、雲南省の農村では5G駆使した観光振興 36kr.jp/266163/
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Phoenix Athens Coffeehouse on a Mission to Serve Coffee With Intention

Phoenix Athens Coffeehouse, located at 660 W. Broad St., has been serving coffee and fellowship through the Phoenix Community of Athens church since January 2021. The coffeehouse is unique due to its faith-based mission and intention behind serving cof...

Scientists Publish Process To Create Lab-Grown Coffee

This article is from the coffee website Sprudge at http://sprudge.com. This is the RSS feed version. Take two parts not-coffee...

Can Lab-Grown Coffee Replicate Beans’ Complex Flavor?

Coffee cultivation is facing challenges due to a warming climate, which affects the plants’ specific temperatures and altitudes. Researchers in Finland have been exploring lab-grown coffee plant cells since the 1970s as an alternative to farmed beans. ...