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Agtech introduces technology for cell-based coffee production

"We believe deeply in the power of cell technology to make farming and food cultivation more productive and sustainable. Pluri's advanced agtech solutions potentially reduce the environmental footprint of traditional agricultural production. PluriAgtec...
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Cerita Pelaku UMKM Kopi Modal Rp500 Ribu Bisa Raup Omzet Rp 50 Juta per Bulan

Deni Saputra merintis usaha Ngupi Ku-day pada 2018 untuk memaksimalkan hasil kebun kopinya seluas 2 hektar di Pulau Beringin, Kabupaten OKU Selatan
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About 6% of Starbucks’ 390 India stores entirely run by women

Adrit Mishra, the chief operating officer of Tata Starbucks, provides insights into the coffee retailer’s priorities and plans in India Bengaluru: US Coffee chain Starbucks at present has about two dozen stores – or about 6% of its total 390 outlets i...
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Here’s how much caffeine is in Panera’s Charged Lemonade, Starbucks coffee, Celsius and other popular drinks

Jittery about how much caffeine you sip, in light of the third lawsuit against Panera’s Charged Lemonade? This chart shows the caffeine content of some popular drinks.
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Startup founder returns to take aim at the endless pile of goods that shoppers send back

Wander co-founder and CEO Jordan Allen with pallets of returned goods that he intends to resell via his new startup. (Wander Photo) While e-commerce has made it beyond easy to get virtually anything delivered to your doorstep, a new startup is w...
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Luckin Coffee and Moutai Jointly Launch the “Dragon Year Sauce Fragrance Chocolate”

On January 22nd, Luckin Coffee officially launched the joint drink "Dragon Year Sauce Fragrance Chocolate" in collaboration with Kweichow Moutai.
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コロナ禍を経て息を吹き返した外食トレンドからも目が離せない! 今回はフードライター中山秀明さんと「GetNavi」フード担当・鈴木翔子さんに「コスパ&タイパ向上オイル」「コストコロッカー」「格安コーヒー2ndウェーブ」について聞いてみた。 ※こちらは「GetNavi」 2024年2・3月合併号に掲載された記事を再編集したものです   ■フードライター中山秀明さん 食のトレンドに詳しいフードアナリスト。個人的には「お手ごろうなぎチェーン」が特に激アツだと豪語する。   ■「GetNavi」...
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Weekly Coffee News: Pittsburgh Chain Closes + Commodities Premiums to Rise

Welcome to DCN’s Weekly Coffee News. Keep up with all the latest coffee industry stories and career opportunities by subscribing to DCN’s newsletter. Tell our editors about your news here. Adda Coffee Closes All...