

Common Greenwashing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them at Your Café: Part One

Are your eco-friendly practices actually making a difference? Here are common greenwashing mistakes made in the coffee world and how to avoid them. BY EMILY JOY MENESES BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photo by Lukasz Rawa via Unsplash It’s...

Weekly Coffee News: Diversity Pledges Falling Short, Crowdfunder Updates, and More

Welcome to DCN’s Weekly Coffee News. Keep up with all the latest coffee industry stories and career opportunities by subscribing to DCN’s newsletter. Tell our editors about your news here. USA Today Report: Coffee...
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Vietnam’s coffee industry urged to adapt to EU’s anti-deforestation law

HANOI, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- The Vietnamese coffee industry should step up the value chain digitalization to get ready for the European Union's Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), local media reported on Friday. As a major coffee exporter to the EU, the Sou...
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Fires in Maui: Updates and Ways to Help

See how you can get involved with organizations offering relief to Hawaiian communities and coffee companies affected by the recent fires. BY J. MARIE CARLANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured image by Kenneth R. Olson The recent fir...
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Ibu-Ibu di Lampung Antusias Ikuti Pelatihan Ragam Kreasi Kuliner dari Kopi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LAMPUNG -- Para relawan Mak Ganjar dari daerah Taman Asri mengadakan workshop cara membuat minuman Dalgona dan Brownies Kusus Kopi bersama warga di Tambak Asri, Padang Tambak,Way Tenong, Kabupaten...
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Israel’s Strauss Group hints at further divestment following coffee asset sales

Israel’s Strauss Group is set to shed further assets this year as part of efforts to boost profitability and streamline the business.The post Israel’s Strauss Group hints at further divestment following coffee asset sales appeared first on Just Drinks....
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Colombian president wants to amend free trade accord with US

BOGOTA: President Gustavo Petro announced on Wednesday that he wants to renegotiate a free trade accord that Colombia has with the United States, the main destination for its exports.In a meeting with coffee growers, Colombia's first leftist president ...
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Cornell To Stop Serving Starbucks Coffee After Pro-Union Student Sit-In

The student body at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York has made its voice heard and administrators are listening. As such, big changes are afoot on campus.
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コンパクトにたためるコーヒードリッパーを先行販売 登山やキャンプなどのアウトドアで活躍  Snapfoldコーヒードリッパーは、アウトドア製品に定評のある「Fozzils」の新商品で、平らに変形して持ち運びしやすい、登山やキャンプといったアウトドアでの利用に適している。 使用イメージ  薄型・軽量でコンパクトにたためるため、収納スペースをとらないことから、家庭でも利用しやすい。また、シート状にたたむことで簡単に洗うことができ、穴が開いている...
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千葉・八千代市に国産コーヒー園 収穫から焙煎、全て体験

希少な国産コーヒー豆の栽培を手がける施設「ヤチフォルニア農園公国」が、千葉県八千代市にオープンした。... 共同通信
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