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中国発コーヒーチェーンCotti Coffeeが日本進出、目標は「来年スタバ超え」【中華ビジネス戦記】

スタートアップ注目記事. 2023年9月24日031. 中国のマウスウォッシュブランド、インドネシアで1ヶ月200万本販売 爆売れの秘密とは. 巨大な人口を抱える ...
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中国発コーヒーチェーンCotti Coffeeが日本進出、目標は「来年スタバ超え」【中華ビジネス戦記】

8月下旬、文京区・本郷三丁目、東京大学の赤門に向かう通りにスタイリッシュなコーヒーショップ「COTTI COFFEE」(庫迪珈琲)がオープンした。タリーズコーヒーやブルーボトルコーヒーなどのような外資系コーヒーショップに見えるこのカフェ、実は中国で最も勢いがあるコーヒーチェーン店なのだ。本郷に1号店を構えたばかりだが、日本市場でも大量出店を計画している。 Cotti Coffeeとは Cotti Coffee(庫迪咖啡)は中国のコーヒーチェーン最大手「瑞幸咖啡(luckin coffee)」...
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コーヒーハンター José. 川島良彰 新刊!世界を旅するように学ぶ – PR TIMES

コーヒーハンターの異名を持つJosé. 川島良彰の新刊「世界を旅するコーヒー事典」が、9月26日(火)にマイナビ出版より発売となります。
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コーヒーハンター Jose. 川島良彰 新刊!世界を旅するように学ぶ – 時事通信

コーヒーハンターの異名を持つJose. 川島良彰の新刊「世界を旅するコーヒー事典」が、9月26日(火)にマイナビ出版より発売となります。
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Starbucks’ dome lids are infuriating baristas and embarrassing customers

The dome lids of TikTokTikTokSome Starbucks baristas say the company's dome lids are difficult to attach to cups.The company has had trouble with its lids before.The dome lids are also getting heat from Starbucks customers.In a viral TikTok video, a St...
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Coffee prices on the boil in Vietnam

read the original version on: www.retailnews.asia Robusta coffee prices have risen to a record VND68,000 ($2.79) per kilogram, up 76% since the beginning of this year. Prices have also been rising globally. On Monday rose by $10-39 per ton to $2,551-2...
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DA invites firm to bid for coffee supply on expanded projects

MALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon – The Department of Agriculture in Northern Mindanao (DA-10) on Thursday invited a multinational firm and other companies to bid for coffee supply as it gears toward the sustainability and expansion of the agency's projects.In...
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Westrock Coffee’s Suite of Innovative Beverage Offerings on Full Display at NACS 2023

(marketscreener.com) Leading Provider of Coffee, Tea, Flavors, Extracts, and Ingredients will Showcase Capabilities, Expertise, and On-Trend Flavors Across Portfolio https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/WESTROCK-COFFEE-COMPANY-143061012/n...
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Trigonelline derived from coffee improves cognitive function, shows potential in alleviating age-related impairment

The search for functional natural compounds that can improve age-related cognitive decline has recently emerged as an important research focus to promote healthy aging.
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Finding their niche

"Our main priority since our inception was to build a trust platform where families were guaranteed safe, authentic and reliable products for their children and families. We set out to build a merchandising strategy based on these pri...
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