CDR2021(PDF) 対訳


0.1 Objective and structure of the Report

This flagship publication of the International Coffee Organization(ICO), the Coffee Development Report (CDR), marks its third edition. The first CDR focused on economic sustainability, while the second one on an in-depth assessment of the dramatic changes that have occurred in the past 30 years in the coffee global value chain (C-GVC).


The CDR 2021 seeks to build a case on the role that youths will play in guaranteeing the future of the coffee industry by analysing the challenges and prospects of attracting and engaging them as employees, entrepreneurs and consumers within the coffee sector.

Young people between the ages of 15 and 34 years comprise
about a third of the 4.9 billion people living in coffee producing countries (CPCs) and at least half of the overall labour force, depending on the country’s demographic. In this sense, the future of coffee will depend on their labour, innovation, advocacy, lifestyle and consumption patterns.


The Next-Gen will play a crucial role at each step of the C-GVC, in particular through research, development and innovation and the adoption of new technologies to drive a true rural and industrial revolution towards sustainability and fairness.

This CDR will look specifically at the critical participation of the Next-Gen in the C-GVC, with emphasis on production levels where ageing grower populations represent a serious threat to future coffee supplies, particularly for smaller and less productive CPCs.


0.1 報告書の目的および構成

国際コーヒー機関(ICO)の主要刊行物である『コーヒー開発報告書(CDR)』は、今回で第 3 版となる。第1回目は経済の持続可能性に焦点を当て、第2回目は過去30年間にコーヒーのグローバルバリューチェーン(C-GVC)で起きた劇的な変化の詳細な評価に焦点を当てました。








本 CDR では、C-GVC における次世代の重要な参加について、特に生産者の高齢化が将来のコーヒー 供給にとって深刻な脅威となる生産レベル、特に小規模で生産性の低い CPC に重点を置いて検討する。

