Quirino seeks coffee, cacao industry devt

TO enhance the local coffee and cacao industry in Quirino, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) office in the province took proactive steps by convening stakeholders through the Coffee and Cacao Industry Meeting held on March 13, 2024.

Held at the Q-Life Conference Room in Capitol Hills in Cabarroguis, the activity was in partnership with the Quirino provincial government through its Provincial Agriculture Office and the Q-Life Upland Ecosystem Program.

Attended by various key stakeholders of each cluster, DTI Region 2 (Cagayan Valley) information officer Manilyn Ponce said the focal point of the meeting was the comprehensive action planning session where participants engaged in addressing the needs and challenges faced by coffee and cacao stakeholders.

Ponce said Qurino Gov. Dakila Carlo Cua took the lead in the reorganization of the Provincial Coffee and Cacao Council with the Quirino provincial government.

The DTI said the council plays a pivotal role in coordinating efforts to promote the growth and sustainability of local cacao and coffee industries.

"[It demonstrates] the stakeholders' commitment to collective progress as well as to improve the agri-supply chain of these commodities and help connect the key industry players with the various agri-industry clusters for market and infrastructure support," the DTI said.

Participants during the event were provincial directors of DTI Quirino and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Quirino, Quirino provincial agriculturist and representatives from the different national line agencies, as well as coffee and cacao farmers, traders, processors and coffee shop owners.

Ponce said the activity provided a platform for meaningful discussions, addressing common challenges and formulating collaborative solutions.

"It also fostered support from the government agencies in tackling identified obstacles and how their respective programs will be able to address them," she said.
