Fore Coffee set to open more than 60 stores in Indonesia in 2024

Queues outside of Fore Coffee’s Singapore store on opening day | Photo credit: Fore Coffee


Indonesia's Fore Coffee is seeking to grow its domestic footprint by a third and increase coffee sales by 66% this year. 

Chief Marketing Officer Matthew Ardian said the Jakarta-based premium coffee chain expects to grow from 175 stores to 240 across the next 12 months. Expansion will focus on Indonesia’s tier two and three cities – often characterised by their developing digital and logistical infrastructure and growing middle-class populations. 

Fore Coffee also plans to add two new outlets in Singapore in 2024 following its debut in the city-state in November 2023. 

Read related content: “Singapore is considered the central business district of southeast Asia” – Fore Coffee CEO, Vico Lomar 

Ardian said Fore Coffee sold approximately 18 million cups of coffee last year with the brand’s Butterscotch Sea Salt Latte the best-selling at approximately 2.5 million sold. Fore Coffee forecasts coffee sales increasing 66% to 30 million cups this year. 

Indonesia is the sixth largest branded coffee shop market in terms of outlets across East Asia with more than 4,700 stores. World Coffee Portal forecasts the market will approach 9,500 outlets by the end of 2028.  
