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挑戦を応援するコーヒー「EXIT COFFEE」、原作版「左ききのエレン」をスポンサーとして支援

[YOUR MEAL] マッスルデリなどを運営する株式会社YOUR MEAL(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長CEO:須藤大輔、以下「ユアミール」)は、2023年11月に発売したタンパク質がとれるコーヒー「EXIT COFFEE(イグジットコーヒー)......
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British Columbia

The Origin Story of Turtle Island Coffee in Vancouver, B.C.

A new Indigenous-owned coffee company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, called Turtle Island Coffee has launched with the goal of exposing more people to high quality specialty coffee and Indigenous...
British ColumbiaCanadaCraft/OperationsCreeDavid CardinalEsquimalt Roasting CompanyLevel Ground Coffee RoastersMarketingMicroRoastingSookeStick in the MudTrans Mountain PipelineTurtle Island CoffeeVancouverVictoriaコーヒー

Weekly Coffee News: EUDR and Africa + More Celebrity Coffee

Welcome to DCN’s Weekly Coffee News. Keep up with all the latest coffee industry stories and career opportunities by subscribing to DCN’s newsletter. Tell our editors about your news here. Report: Small-Scale Farmers in...
ColumnsPhilz CoffeeWeekly Coffee Newsコーヒー
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A junior high principal was fired after he was caught pouring more coffee than he paid for

An iced coffee at a self-service machine.bee32/Getty ImagesA junior high principal was fired after getting caught trying to steal an extra half-cup of coffee.He would pay for a $0.75 cup, but pour himself a $1.25 cup at a convenience store, per local m...
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Starbucks Surpasses 7,000 stores in China, Reiterates “No Intention to Participate in Price Wars”

At present, Starbucks has surpassed 7,000 stores in the mainland Chinese market and is confident in continuing to be a leader in China's high-end coffee market.
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新京極に「2050COFFEE」 「持続可能な未来のコーヒー」テーマに

「2050 COFFEE(ニセンゴジュウコーヒー、京都市中京区桜之町)」が2月5日、オープンする。
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コーヒー焙煎 世界4位 「豆ポレポレ」仲村さん 沖縄市 「チャンピオン目指す」

【沖縄】沖縄市にある自家焙煎(ばいせん)コーヒー店「豆ポレポレ」代表の仲村良行さん(45)が、昨年11月に台湾であった焙煎の世界大会「ワールド ...
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肥後橋にカフェ「ピークローストコーヒー」移転 「コーヒーで地域貢献を」

カフェ「Peak Roast Coffee(ピークローストコーヒー)」(大阪市西区京町堀1)が1月20日、大阪・肥後橋に移転オープンした。
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ofi raises sustainability ambition for coffee business with 2030 targets to cut emissions and …

Olam Group is a leading food and agri-business supplying food, ingredients, feed, and fibre to 20,200 customers worldwide. Our value chain spans ...
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