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ふるさと納税返礼に生活必需品 鈴鹿市、税収アップへラップやコーヒー詰め合わせ – 47NEWS

確定申告の時期を迎え、税控除に絡み関心が高まる「ふるさと納税」。鈴鹿市は今年1月、地場産品として「生活必需品」に着目し、寄付への返礼品にラップを ...
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2023 Coffee Barometer

Report: European Trade Group Urges Delay in Deforestation-Free Law

A prominent European coffee industry trade organization reportedly sent a letter to the European Commission urging the delay of implementation of the new EU deforestation-free supply chain law, known as...
2023 Coffee Barometer4CBloombergCoffee BarometerCorporatecorporate sustainabilitydeforestationenvironmental sustainabilityEUDREuropean CommissionFairtrade InternationalFarmer IssuesIndustryIntercoInternationallegal issueslegislationMarket NewsOriginsmallholder issuesSustainabilityコーヒー
Bin Pan

Kickstarter Goes Cuckoo for the Kuku Maker Brewer

The Kuku Maker, a novel electric coffee brewer that utilizes centrifugal force for extractions, has raised more than $830,000 through Kickstarter, with more than a week left in the campaign. ...
Bin PanBirdie ChiuChester GruczaChris ChiCorporatecrowdfundingHaiming ChenHazel and Hershey Coffee Roastershome brewershome brewingIndustryInternationalkickstarterKuku HubKuku MakerProductsUnited Statesコーヒー
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フジパン カフェモカケーキ 食べてみました。

2024年2月1日発売 フジパン カフェモカケーキ コーヒー味のスポンジケーキにホイップクリームをサンドし、チョココーティングしました。 ◆栄養成分表示 1包装あたり エネルギー294キロカロリー た ... Copyright © 2024 パン新商品やスイーツ新商品をひたすら食べて紹介するブログ All Rights Reserved....
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茶葉などの廃棄物を材料や原料として再利用するスタートアップ企業「甡物科技(Zence Object Technology)」が、シードラウンドでアリババ創業者基金(Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund)と戈壁創投(Gobi Partners)から数百万ドル(数億~十数億円)を調達した。 2020年に設立された甡物科技は広東省・香港・マカオから成るグレーターベイエリア(粤港澳大湾区)に拠点を置き、廃棄物系バイオマスを使った持続可能な新材料の製造と、生分解性に関する環境ソリューションを...
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Saudi Arabia signs international coffee agreement

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia signed the International Coffee Agreement 2022 at the International Coffee Organization’s headquarters in London on Tuesday. The Kingdom’s ambassador to the UK Prince Khalid bin Bandar signed the trade treaty. Under the...
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Starbucks launched a pork-flavored coffee in China. It costs $10 and is dividing people.

People walk by a Starbucks Coffee at Ciqikou ancient town in Chongqing, China.Song Mingkun/VCG/Getty ImagesStarbucks has launched a pork-flavored coffee in China.Its biggest competitor in the country famously has a cheese-flavored latte.Starbucks' drin...
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Coffee Group JDE Peet’s Posts Surprise Growth In 2023 Operating Profit

JDE Peet's, one of the world's largest coffee companies, has reported an organic rise in 2023 operating profit, while analysts had forecast a decline,...
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Myanmar’s locally-grown coffee demand rises in both local and foreign markets

Myanmar’s locally-grown coffee demand has risen in both domestic and foreign markets, according to coffee growers. “Both supply and demand […]
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Twenty-five US universities face calls to cancel Starbucks contracts

Student organizers, faculty and workers protest against coffee company’s response to union organizing effortsStudent organizers, faculty and workers at 25 university campuses across the US are calling for their institutions to cancel their contracts wi...
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