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【コーヒー2050年問題】気候変動でコーヒー危機、栽培地域が半減し価格は1000円以上に?【N …

「沖縄を新たな生産地に」 “コーヒーベルト”の最北に位置する沖縄. TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN. 沖縄のカフェにあるコーヒー、1杯2000円。 客「すごくすっきり ...
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X JAPANベーシストHEATHさん逝く ドトールコーヒーで声をかけても応じる心優しき …

職人肌の完璧主義者ですから、YOSHIKIとの相性も良かったようです。穏和な性格ですから、衝突することもありません。昔気質の熱いロックミュージシャンは、激昂 ...
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Allegra Events

New European Trade Show CoHo Expo Coming to Berlin in 2024

A new European trade show focused on the coffee and hospitality industries called CoHo Expo is scheduled to debut in Berlin, Germany, in 2024.  The CoHo Expo was developed by...
Allegra EventsAllegra GroupBusiness OperationschainsCoffee Ventures EuropeCoHo ExpoCorporateEuropean Coffee SymposiumEventsIndustryInternationalLudovic RossignolMacroMarketingProductsRetailRoastingtrade showsコーヒー
Business Operations

Intuition Coffee + Juice Gives Peoria a Warm Bear Hug

Acting on a strong hunch that Peoria, Illinois, has room for more high-quality, fresh-roasted specialty coffee, Peoria native Ty Paluska returned home to launch Intuition Coffee + Juice. The shop...
Business OperationsCraft/OperationsDeep Creek CoffeeDoma Coffee Roasting Co.IllinoisIntuition CoffeeKami PaluskaMarketingMicroMidwestOpeningsPeoriaRetailRoastingTy Paluskaコーヒー
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Fairtrade scales up satellite monitoring of farms amid deforestation crackdown

Fairtrade is scaling up satellite monitoring of forested areas and farms to more than one million cocoa and coffee producers, to help tackle anti-deforestation practices and enable greater access to European markets amid tougher regulation.
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Fairtrade partners with Satelligence to boost cocoa producers’ deforestation monitoring

Fairtrade International has announced a new partnership with Satelligence to scale up satellite monitoring of forested areas and farms to its globally certified cocoa and coffee producer organisations to meet new EU regulations.
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Corporate America weighs business impact of new weight-loss drugs

A 0.25 mg injection pen of Novo Nordisk's weight-loss drug Wegovy is shown in this photo illustration in Oslo, Norway, September 1, 2023. REUTERS/Victoria Klesty/Illustration/File Photo Boxes of Ozempic, a semaglutide injection drug used for treatin...
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大麻由来のCBD、福岡市内にも専門店やカフェ次々 違法成分チェックは事実上業者任せ

コーヒー、クッキー、オイル…。有害作用がなく、法律で規制されていない大麻由来の成分「カンナビジオール(CBD)」を...|西日本新聞meは、九州のニュース ...
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近年、サウナの人気が高まっている。サウナ浴と水風呂の温熱交代浴によって得られる独特の感覚「ととのい」を求め、多くの人が今日もサウナ施設に集っている。 しかし、現代人が「ととのい」を得る手段は、サウナだけにとどまらない。デロンギ・ジャパンが実施した「コーヒーの飲用調査 2023年度版」によると、週1回以上自宅でコーヒーを飲む人の半数以上が、「ととのう」ためにとる行動として、ブラックコーヒーを飲むことを挙げている。また同調査では、自宅で毎日コーヒーを飲む人は、コーヒーを全く飲まない人に比べ...
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Cup of Excellence Coffee Competition Adds ‘Experimental’ Category in Brazil

The Cup of Excellence (CoE) coffee competition and auction platform was born in Brazil more than two decades ago and has since expanded to coffee-producing countries all over the world. ...
auctionsBrazilBrazil Cup of ExcellenceBrazil Specialty Coffee AssociationcompetitionsCup of ExcellenceErwin MierischEventsFarmer IssuesFazenda RainhaFazenda Rio VerdeFazenda Sertãozinhogreen coffeeIndustryInternationalIpanema AgricolaMantiqueira de MinasMarket NewsMarketingOriginpost-harvest processingprocessingRegião VulcânicaSouth Americaコーヒー