Luckin Coffee founders’ new venture Cotti now boasts 5000 outlets


Cotti Coffee has reached surpassed 5000 locations across five countries in less than a year since it was set up by Luckin Coffee founders Charles Lu and Jenny Qian.

With outlets in more than 300 cities in South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, and Canada, Cotti says it is now the world’s fifth-largest coffee brand.

Committed to providing customers with high-quality, cost-effective, and convenient coffee products, Cotti says its “youthful and chic brand experience” has quickly won the hearts of many customers.

The company attributes its success to innovative business strategies, robust supply chain capabilities, an intelligent digital platform, and its product and service experience.

To share risks with its partners, the brand forgoes franchise-related fees and offers a profit-sharing arrangement instead. It also came up with a lifetime partnership system to ensure the longevity of the business locations and the sustainability of the collaboration.

Regarding the international market, Cotti Coffee introduced both single-store partnerships and regional partnership models for flexible collaboration methods to suit the diverse needs of its partners.

Cotti’s coffee roasting facility is China’s largest with an annual output of 45,000 tonnes. It also combines research, production, and quality control and is accompanied by a production facility for related materials. The company is also preparing for its coffee bean supply chain bases in South America, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and other regions.

Aside from the classics, the brand boasts a variety of innovative drinks, which are revamped weekly to meet the ever-evolving preferences of consumers. It also sells muffins, hotdogs, and other light meals as a parallel growth strategy to its coffee and beverage lineup.

Luckin Coffee emerged from bankruptcy proceedings in April last year, two years after an accounting fraud derailed the business.

The post Luckin Coffee founders’ new venture Cotti now boasts 5000 outlets appeared first on Inside Retail.
